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Letter: We are out of sand

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

I think no one says it better than Louisiana Senator John Kennedy when he recently said the following words:

“I’m an eternal optimist, but I am also a committed realist, and the fact is that the Biden Administration has been breathtakingly awful. President Biden has mismanaged Congress. He’s mismanaged COVID. He’s mismanaged the economy. He’s mismanaged inflation. He’s mismanaged the national debt, the border, crime. He’s mismanaged Afghanistan. He’s mismanaged the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East. He’s mismanaged China. He’s embraced cancel culture. He’s treated parents like domestic terrorists, and his administration has foolishly, foolishly sacrifice American’s energy independence.”

Yep, I think that pretty much sums Biden Administration up in a nutshell. It looks like our country is being run by the 8th grade squad. On his first days as President, less than 24 hours in office, Biden signed 24 executive orders to reverse Trump’s policies.


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