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Letter: Support superintendent

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

It was learned at last week’s school board meeting that the board majority is going to develop standards for the new Superintendent of Gloucester Schools. That has not been the case, or seemingly necessary, for previous holders of the office.

The previous holder of that office received innumerable awards during his tenure and a salary commensurate with Fairfax County. He pronounced systemic racism, introduced or permitted porn for book reports. In-school and out-of-school suspensions rose to all-time highs of 500 (Feb. 2023) due to felonies and misdemeanors: bathroom orgies, two students carried out on stretchers, stymied joint Mathews/Gloucester ROTC effort until forced by outside pressure, locked school doors to parents (at least one of whom stood outside in 38 degree rain trying to resolve daily theft of child’s lunches), having reports of teachers fearing bodily harm from student violence, teaching CRT. This list could go on, but no superintendent ev...

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