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Letter: Softball team grateful for support

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
On behalf of my fellow coaches of the Mathews High School Girls Softball State Championship team, Nelson Morris and Lowry “KK” Hudgins, I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to the parents, families, friends, fans and citizens of Mathews County for your support and dedication to the Mathews High School softball program.
A special thank you to Dr. Ben Lennon and his staff for your generous contributions and assisting with the welcome home celebration and to Mark Harvell for his continued monetary contributions to the team.
No words can describe the feeling of being escorted home with lights and sirens by the Sheriff of Mathews County with the Fire Department and Rescue Squad, the welcome home champs signs at Flowers from The Heart and Beach Bum BBQ, and the community waiting for us with balloons and cheers as we stepped off the bus, some of us full of smiles and some of us with joyous tears. The long-awaited state championship trophy...

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