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Letter: Restaurant guide brought back memories

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

Thank you for that wonderful enclosure in the Gazette-Journal two weeks ago about the restaurants in the area. I enjoyed the trip down Memory Lane that it afforded me.

As a child, my family often ate at Ward’s Restaurant. The food was wonderful. As a teenager, we spent many happy hours at "Sutts" by Donk’s Movie Theater. The hamburgers and the juke box (playing "Hey Joe") made it a grand place to go with your date. It was also great fun to ride around "Sutts" with your best fellow, or with the girls looking for him. And Nick’s Seafood Pavilion, what can I say! We ate there almost every Saturday night for 20 years with good friends Charles and Betsy Hudgins (now deceased). We also enjoyed eating at the Golden Anchor at the Islander. Our daughter Janet worked there as a teenager.

I could go on about the others as well. I have saved the enclosure for two reasons. It is full of good information with phone numbers for future dining out, and...

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