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Letter: Repeal the Mathews Comprehensive Plan

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

When Agenda 21 is first introduced in a community, it sounds innocuous. The Mathews County Comprehensive Plan, which was passed last January, could sound utopian to the unaware. Better living conditions. What could be wrong with that?

But, when living and business conditions are dictated by the Comprehensive Plan, compiled under the protocol of the United Nations Agenda 21, it’s a different matter. It starts out with seemingly innocent programs, but progresses to draconian measures that can dispossess us of the homes we live in, and indeed even wipe out our livelihood.

In California, as a result of Agenda 21’s unreasonable and unnecessary implementation, companies are relocating to other states and overseas—even the Greenies’ own manufacturers of wind turbines. A produce business was fined $32,500 simply for failing to file a new report—not because of any noncompliance with the rules. Another business, at great cost, did ev...

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