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Letter: Providing a forum for Gloucester voters

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
On behalf of the Gloucester Candidates Forum Planning Committee, I would like to thank all who participated in Monday evening’s forum which was co-sponsored by three community organizations—the Gloucester Education Association, the Gloucester chapter of the NAACP and the Gloucester Retired Educators Association.
We especially wish to thank our fellow citizens who attended the forum. Our goal was to provide a fair and nonpartisan opportunity for voters to ask important questions concerning the issues that members of the board of supervisors and the school board will face as our representatives.
We are grateful to the Abingdon Ruritan Club for donating its outstanding facility for the forum. As always, members of the ARC went above and beyond expectations in their dedication to public service.
Thank you, board of supervisors candidates Bazzani, Farmer, Meyer and Smith, and school board candidates Kelly, Mack, Nelson and Parker, for sharing your time a...

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