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Letter: Presidential propaganda

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Citizens of America! Our president has unknowingly united the rabid ideologues of the right and the unwavering sycophants of the left! This is truly an historic moment!
What legislation achieved such an improbable task, you ask? Obamacare? Minimum wage? Gender equality? Keystone Pipeline? I say to you: none of the above.
It was, in fact, not a piece of legislation at all. The panacea to our political division began on his first day of work when he barred professional photojournalists from the Oval Office. Outside photographers (Associated Press, The New York Times, The Washington Post, etc.) have had only two opportunities to capture the president in action: once in 2009 and the other in 2010.
Why does he forbid entry? These events are private of course, but seemingly not private enough for The White House Press Office to photograph, sanitize and distribute, via social media or other pandering news outlets.
Americans on either side of the political spectrum sco...

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