Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Our family got a letter in the mail last week informing us of recent changes to policies for the coming year at Thomas Hunter Middle School. Mr. Comer, the principal, writes: "Through federal grants, the division was able to make a small number of iPads available to both gifted and special education students this year." He went on to say that "all possible grants" were being pursued "to begin mainstreaming sets of 10-20 iPads into individual classrooms this coming year," the goal being "to not only engage all students, but also to excite them."
Now, what could possibly be wrong with that, you might wonder. Well, my child is not in S.A.I.L., though quite gifted. She’s not in special education, though extremely special. Before I lose my audience, let me say that I think children that have difficulties learning through traditional methods need every avenue explored to excite and engage them. Gifted students already have a leg up on their peers. However...
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