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Letter: Old-school propaganda

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
After seeing numerous advertisements in Mathews inviting people to view the film “Whose Children Are They?” I decided to see for myself what it was all about. This film has been promoted by the Mathews Republican Committee and their candidate for school board, Mari Gibbs, so perhaps Mathews voters are curious about the film’s message.
The opening segment is devoted to tying American public education to Marxism, communism and socialism. Hearing how indoctrinated all of us who attended public schools in the 20th and 21st century were, it’s a wonder we are all not running around in matching Mao jackets. I recall learning about different forms of government and economies, but can anyone recall a single teacher in your life or your children’s who taught you to believe that the U.S. was anything other than a capitalistic democracy? I can’t.
The bulk of the film is spent going through the litany of complaints that people on the right have about public education includ...

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