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Letter: No surprise here

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Surprise? Three college law professors state that the Attorney General of Virginia has the right to not defend state laws “he believes” violate the Constitution of the United States. No, not a surprise, because the so-called higher learning facilities of America have been carefully primed to ignore what the law actually is.
First, this is an elected official’s personal belief and, according to what used to be considered the law, any claim such as this needs to be proven and this claim regarding marriage equality exists nowhere in our Constitution.
But, if his personal belief is upheld and allows him to refuse to do what he was being paid to, then individuals and organizations must also have the right to refuse being forced to do anything that is against their personal beliefs. Just because the president ignores the laws he’s sworn to uphold doesn’t mean this attorney general can do the same. If so, then be prepared to be submerged ...

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