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Letter: Move in a good direction

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

I’m so appreciative that I live in Virginia during this difficult time. I feel blessed that I have a governor who is showing exceptional leadership, something that is sorely absent from many states. Governor Northam has been very cautious—rightfully so—due to his primary concern for limiting the loss of life. We all know that successfully reopening our local economy will be a slow and painful process, but one that must be based on the guidance of the infectious disease experts. Our medical resources and capabilities are limited and could very easily be overwhelmed if reopening isn’t done carefully. Otherwise, Virginia becomes another Texas or Florida with many avoidable deaths.

At the current time, Gloucester seems to be holding its own in terms of community spread of the virus. I see most people wearing masks and for that, I am very grateful. The controversy over masks doesn’t make much sense to me because as a retired RN with a Master’s in Public Healt...

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