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Letter: More interested in stopping progress

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

Before the Gloucester-Mathews Gazette-Journal gets on its high horse to point a finger at Congressman Rob Wittman for not scheduling town halls, the editors ought to consider what is happening at Congressional town halls nowadays.

Here in Virginia, a member of Congress from the Richmond area, Dave Brat, held a town hall where trouble began even before the invocation was finished. According to the Washington Post (May 10, 2017), a handful of Trump Resistance critics stood up holding signs that read, “Shame.” What would possess people to heckle an opening prayer and introduction? Does anyone think these folks want to listen and ask questions? I am doubtful.

Another Member of Congress from Virginia, Tom Garrett, has received death threats over the internet that included the phrase, “this is how we’re going to kill your wife.” Congresswoman Barbara Comstock from Northern Virginia had a webpage created by opponents where profanity-la...

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