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Letter: Missing the beagles’ sweet serenade

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
A couple of days ago, I found I had lost two friends from my neighborhood—two short-legged, long-eared beagle dogs. They were sweet tempered, compassionate friends. They spent many hours serenading me with the melody of their songs.
I live in the Glebe area of Mathews County. I love the absence of long lines of traffic, sirens wailing at all hours. The quiet country nature of this area is why I spent 40 years of my life commuting many miles in order that I may live here. I love it! The quiet beauty of long, quiet lanes, birds singing everywhere, squirrels and rabbits running to and fro, add to the beauty.
I mourn the loss of these wonderful dogs. The owner moved them because he had received a complaint. He didn’t want to cause his neighbor discontent.
What a compassionate heart that dog owner has. I want him to know that I will miss their voices night and day. They were my friends and they only did what we have been training beagles to do for hundre...

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