Editor, Gazette-Journal:
In 1998, the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors approved the Highway Corridor Overlay District Ordinance (Section 6A). For the last 15 years new businesses (e.g., banks, auto dealers, Sentara Emergency Care, Fox Mill Centre) constructed along Route 17, from approximately Hayes to the Court House, have complied with this ordinance. One, but not the only, requirement of this ordinance is a minimum of a 50-foot setback from Route 17 with a provision to plant trees and shrubs within this setback.
The current board of supervisors has voiced a sense that this 50-foot setback requirement is detrimental to new businesses coming to Gloucester because of its related expense and loss of property to the builder. Accordingly, they asked the Gloucester County Planning Commission to review the ordinance and make recommended changes to the board. The planning commission did as the board asked and the results were presented to the board at its March 18, 2014 meeting.
The pu...
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