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Letter: Maj. Hasan deserves death penalty

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

Major Nidal Hasan, the terrorist, er, perpetrator of "Workplace Violence" to be politically correct, recently sent a letter to Fox News. Here is what he had to say.

"My complicity was on behalf of a government that only acknowledges that it would hate for the law of almighty Allah to be the supreme law of the land."

If memory serves me correctly, Maj. Hasan took an oath to "Support and Defend" the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The government cannot endorse Islam because it would violate our First Amendment.

Maj. Hasan continued, "Is this a war on Islam? You bet it is and I participated in it."

"I would like to begin by repenting to the almighty Allah and apologize to the Mujahideen, the believers, and the innocent. I ask their forgiveness and prayers. I ask for their forgiveness for participating in the illegal and immoral aggression against muslims."

So, he wants to repent to Allah. Let’s hope ...

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