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Letter: Let’s be good neighbors

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I would like to take this opportunity to comment on the letter Mr. Robinson wrote in your July 3 edition (“Plan to stymie park development is shameful”) concerning the proposed Mathews Heritage Park. First, I wish to point out that I have no dog in the fight, and have no vested interest in either side of this issue. That said, Mr. Robinson’s tone in his letter is very hostile and seems to want to assign blame to everyone but himself.
I dare say that if Mr. Robinson owned property for years, and all of a sudden someone wanted to put something next to him (a pig farm, a 7-Eleven, bowling alley, public park, etc.) that he would be concerned about the changes that it would bring to his neighborhood and home value. That on top of access by narrow dirt/gravel roads would bring extra concern. I think if Mr. Robinson put himself in the position of the neighbors to the proposed park, he would have a different attitude. He apparently has no compassion f...

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