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Letter: Keith Hodges for Delegate

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
The race for the 98th District seat provides two dramatically different candidates with two dramatically different views on the role of government, the American Dream, and the future of our children.
Keith Hodges, from a local working class family and through his efforts became the youngest independent pharmacist in Virginia, personifies the American Dream. He has provided service to the community and jobs for residents as an independent businessman and has reaped the results for that effort. In short, he has been a wealth creator for his society and believes that others can be the same.
His solutions for problems tend toward voluntary partnerships, negotiations and collaborations where everyone wins and no one loses.
Sheila Crowley, a recent arrival to the area on the other hand, has spent her entire life figuring out how to redistribute the wealth created by others, including our local farmers, watermen, doctors, dentists, tradesmen and pharmacists. Never hav...

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