Journalists are missing the real story
Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Journalism has died in America along with editorial guidance. Let’s see what passes for news these days. The trial of Oscar Pistorius, a South African, accused in the shooting death of his girlfriend. This rates a constant coverage for weeks on end. While it is a tragic event, I must tell you I don’t really care. There are far too many issues facing America today for me to give a damn. Missing flight MH 370. Same thing. This story has droned on and on. A tragedy to be sure. An occasional mention. O.K. Yet we are deluged with a barrage of experts and pundits pontificating while ignoring the true stories.
I’d like for there to be a constant drumbeat for how our government has usurped the power from the people and issues unlawful and unconstitutional programs and taxes that are destroying the land of the free and the home of the brave. If we the people allow this unbridled socialism to continue, we&rsq...
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