Editor, Gazette-Journal:
America needs to stay completely out of what is developing in the Middle East. Two implacable foes, the Shia and Sunni Muslims, or at least those in control of these two sects, are engaged in a widening conflict that will eventually envelop most of the Middle East, and possibly North Africa. This is religious warfare and, as such, not amenable to diplomacy, however well intentioned.
Both sides are fairly well matched in determination, weaponry and financing. There are no “good guys” in this conflict for us to support. Both hate us, as infidels, about as much as they hate each other. Fortunately, neither side has nuclear weapons … yet. There is absolutely nothing we can accomplish by becoming involved with our treasure, weapons or, God forbid, our valiant military men and women.
I fear we will be witness to ongoing unimaginable slaughter on television news and the press until it eventually plays out, possibly over decades. Will China and/or Ru...
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