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Letter: Inform yourselves, vote

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
While canvassing one-on-one in our area for local candidates, House of Delegates and other candidates, I keep hearing, “I don’t know him/her …How long has he/she lived in our area?” “No, I don’t vote” said a man that I chatted with. “No, I don’t talk politics,” as I wonder, “why not?” “No, I don’t subscribe” to our very informative weekly Gazette-Journal or a daily newspaper. “No, I don’t attend our local monthly Democratic or Republican meeting, nor do I attend CircleUp Middle Peninsula monthly meetings. No, I haven’t attended the many meetings or forums that have taken place since the 2016 elections.”
This all bewilders me. Learning and voting should be our primary duty.
Many families spend years in the military and out of the country much of the time, and for our family, during our military years, voting absentee in Kentucky was never easy. We h...

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