Editor, Gazette-Journal:
A wonderful Independence Day celebration took place July 4, 2012 at First Presbyterian Church at noon. Around 50 to 60 Gloucester citizens attended and participated in such important things as the singing of the National Anthem, the Pledge of Allegiance, the reading of Psalm 130, a reading of The Declaration of Independence with The Ringing of the Bell, a wonderful reading of the Bill of Rights and some keen insights shared about the signers of the Declaration of Independence in "Our Lives, Our Fortunes, and Our Sacred Honor."
Pastor Doug Nagel chaired the program and delivered opening remarks, a prayer of invocation, and a closing prayer. Other participants were Delegate Harvey Morgan, Warren Deal and Nadine Tatum. Throughout this celebration, we sang such stirring songs as "America," "America, the Beautiful" and "God Bless America."
This event highlighted what this country was about and the extreme sacrifices made by our forefathers. Everyone should p...
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