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Letter: For Saulman

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

I write this letter in full support of Cindy Saulman for one of the At-Large seats on the Gloucester County School Board. Mrs. Saulman dedicated decades to GCPS and positively affected so many lives along the way. I urge all constituents to vote for her on Election Day.

Seventeen years ago, I sat in a classroom as a student in the DARE Program ran by Deputy Cindy Saulman. She taught us students a lot, but I will always remember how I felt cared for and respected by Deputy Saulman. Her approach made students feel like we mattered, and her lessons continue to resonate with me to this day.

When I started my career as an educator six years ago, I became a colleague of Mrs. Saulman. Working alongside her provided me with a new perspective. Not only did I see the passion she poured into the DARE Program, but I noticed how she still inspired students just like she had done for my cohort years before. In addition, I saw how she interacted with teachers and st...

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