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Letter: For Gibbs

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
This letter is in response to Molly Broderson’s letter (“Forrest for school board,” Oct. 13 Readers Write). I am very certain if candidate for school board Dr. Mari Gibbs was asked if she were a Republican, she would stand proudly and say yes!
So, why is it so hard to accept that her signs are next to or attached to Congressman Rob Wittman’s signs? Mari Gibbs is the most qualified candidate for school board and when she wins the seat, she will be the most qualified person sitting on the board. She has a Doctorate in Educational Leadership, a Master of Occupational Therapy and a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Psychology. She is a Registered Occupational Therapist and National Speaker for Early Childhood Education. She has spent her entire career in service to children.
Lorraine Forrest has been on the board (not elected by the way) for 10 months, and what has she shown for her time? She has made no substantial progress on her campaign issue of bringing Junior...

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