Editor, Gazette-Journal:
The mantra for academics used to be “Publish or Perish!,” but today it is “Get the grants or perish!” With regard to global warming, the greatly exaggerated claim of “97 percent of scientists support the theory of man-caused global warming” is no surprise; that’s where the grant money is!
Our federal government’s official position is that global warming is caused by humanity (never mind solar variation, which has driven global heating and cooling since the beginning), and we’d better hand over control of our lives and become a third-world nation to save the planet, or else—end of discussion. Such arrogance!
Government research grants are routinely withheld from those who do not support the official agenda, whereas grant money can’t be thrown fast enough at supporters, regardless of reality or factual qualifications, in a transparent attempt to shore up the global warming fraud.
Bottom line: To de...
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