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Letter: Entrenched interests

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

The meeting at the historic courthouse in Mathews on March 2 with Rob Wittman’s district director, Joe Schumacher, was a lively affair and Mr. Schumacher made a couple of comments about the reporter for the Gazette-Journal writing “furiously.” Under the circumstances, it was near impossible to keep up.

I would like to take a few moments to clarify and expound on my contribution to the conversation on health care. Indeed, I have Medicare A&B and appreciate that I receive an “Explanation of Benefits,” EOB, anytime I receive billable services. What is evident is the provider cost versus what Medicare pays. Depending on service provided, the difference is always a significant reduction, up to 80-90 percent for some procedures.

This tells me that Medicare is trying to keep costs down. I also have commercial insurance for Part D and Supplemental plans and with these policies the prices have been going up at a rate of 10 to 15 perc...

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