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Letter: Due diligence suggested

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I attended the meeting at the Ruritan Club where a developer came and gave his very vague presentation. Many people were there. Last week, I attended the joint Board of Supervisors/Planning Commission meeting where government would decide the fate of our county and rural community (why do people move here that hate our rural status?). Attendance was poor. After the supervisors had concluded, nearly all the citizens left.
I am guessing that the planners decided it was a “now or never” situation and time to ram the vote through. So they did.
As the “layers of the onion” are peeled back, we are learning more about the development. At the Ruritan Club presentation, the idea that local contractors would be used to build this was put forth. I heard less about this from the developer at the recent BOS/Planning Commission meeting. We learned that the sewage would be hooked into the pipeline that is going down the line to York County. The developer spoke of his company ...

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