Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I feel compelled to respond to Sherry Hamilton’s article in last week’s Gazette-Journal about the Mathews Commissioner of the Revenue’s Office. In the article, Ms. Hamilton states that there were 254 uncompleted assessments left over from prior years and that the Mathews Board of Supervisors appropriated $3,500 to list these properties for the current commissioner. In addition, there were charges for actually assessing the properties and entering them into the county computer system and costs for having someone outside the office entering mapping changes on the county map system.
The commissioner stated that there were also "84 assessments for the first months of 2012" that had to be picked up. He said that some of the assessments went back as far as four years. In actuality, there were only 73 assessments generated after completion of all of the work. This is considerably below the number of supplemental assessments that are normally do...
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