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Letter: Define ‘equity’

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I believe that the quality of education has decreased, and not just because of Covid. The main culprit is CRT (equity, diversity, social emotional learning and now gender). If one really looks at the big picture, the schools are prioritizing the few instead of the whole student body. This all started with “No Child Left Behind.”
I also believe that there are two genders, but if you tell a lie long enough and loud enough, people start to believe it. You see, this is an excellent way to get Christianity out of our schools and America. Once again, we are kowtowing to the few and the rest of the student body suffers.
I am told the school system must recognize gender identity or federal dollars will be withheld, or you will be sued. We should not be enabling our children in gender confusion.
If a teacher believes a child is having a problem with gender identity, there should be parental involvement immediately. Now, if there are teachers in the Mathews County School...

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