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Letter: Creating instability

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
The Obama Administration and its so-called deal with Iran is instigating instability in the entire Middle East. The 150 billion dollars included as a part of this so called treaty is being viewed by the Arabs as a policy shift in US/Middle East relations.
In view of the nefarious state of affairs with Iran where Iran fires ordnance at or near U.S. naval units in the Persian Gulf at will or conducts testing in defiance of the supposed treaty is an indicator that something else entirely is in the making by this administration.
With the entire Arab Middle East on edge, war is a likely probability. There is a history available among the intelligence communities that both Iran and Saudi Arabia have nuclear weapons. All of this is due to this administration having entered the age-old fray between Sunni and Shia segments of Islam, a position that U.S. foreign policy has never before advocated.
Meanwhile on the domestic front the president continues to advocate global ...

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