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Letter: Counting our blessings

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
This is the time of year we like to count our blessings and think over our resolutions for the New Year coming up.  
In the category of blessings, I am grateful for your editorial of Dec. 3, titled “America is better” in which you remind us of the values that are our greatest blessings as Americans. We enjoy Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Why us? In most cases we are the lucky ones because our ancestors had the gumption and the wisdom to immigrate to the United States. We are a nation of immigrants. The Statue of Liberty stands as a beacon to remind us (about 95 percent of us, anyway) that our ancestors were among the tired and poor and those longing to be free. Many patriotic Americans have lost their lives to protect the liberties and values that we hold dear. They did not die to protect the promotion of hatred, bigotry, racism and fear as tools for demagogues with a “win-at-all-costs” strategy.
Another blessing I fo...

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