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Letter: Childish behavior

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

President Donald Trump is in office and those who didn’t vote for him need to find their nanny to help them get over it. I have seen ignorant, angry, foolish people in the past, but none as far gone as protesters today.

Supposedly grown women, hysterical because they did not get their way, throwing tantrums and many other gross things, are demeaning to the women in America who have what we call class and behave as adults should. I wonder what women in the rest of the world think about us when watching such ugly, childish behavior.

As for the so-called “stars,” they make fools of themselves and they will not be forgotten, but remembered for their ignorance and lack of respect for America, the presidency and our laws. Considering what Bill Clinton did prior to and while in office, the Democrats should keep quiet and accept the fact that they are not in charge right now for a reason.

The voters want government to work for them, not the other ...

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