Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I send a big thank you to the more than 100 property owners who registered for the Quail Habitat Workshop at Brent & Becky’s Bulbs. From the bits of conversation I overheard, everyone was having fun learning and enthusiastic about tweaking their land to provide the quail with food and shelter. The message was positive: Change the habitat and the Bobwhite will return.
If a property owner with a farm crop would like to do something right now, state game agencies recommend that crop is left standing in a strip 30 feet by 100 feet+ on the north side of a field adjacent to woods.
Allowing these areas to grow undisturbed for two or three years will provide vital nesting and brood-rearing habitat, as well as winter cover. While 30 feet by 100 feet (7/100ths of an acre) is not much space, if enough landowners participate in this plan, the plots quilted throughout our area will significantly contribute to the return of our Bobwhite Quail population. As...
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