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Letter: Cantor’s defeat was a political shock

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
It was quite a shock to almost everyone when Congressman Cantor lost his seat to a political unknown in the recent Republican primary. It sent shockwaves throughout the political establishment in Washington. The people in Virginia’s 7th Congressional District simply believed he had lost touch with them and used their votes to tell him that. Obviously he had lost touch or he would have seen it coming.
I believe the majority in Congress, specifically the House, has lost touch with their constituents and is more beholden to big money donors and Super PACs than the people. It was great to see the people in the 7th Congressional District let their voices be heard. I hope people across the state and America noticed what removal from office can do and the attention it received from all politicians.
As we saw, the removal of Mr. Cantor caused quite a stir and uproar among all movers and shakers in both political parties. Think of the impact if 100 members were vo...

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