Editor, Gazette-Journal:
The new election bill being considered by Congress (House Bill 1) which will allow ballot harvesting and mail-in voting nationwide is a terrible bill that threatens the integrity of our elections.
That is just the tip of a large and dangerous iceberg as it also mandates taxpayer money to be allocated to candidates on a percentage matching basis.
I personally believe that television networks and well-connected political consultants are already making plenty of money off of our election process. We do not need to add a political carnival.
Corruption in our nation has reached unprecedented levels and this will only add to that lamentable spectacle. I can think of several currently serving members of Congress who have been shown to have paid their lovers/spouses hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign funds as advisers or consultants to their campaign.
The American people should be outraged, but it is glossed over by media and ignored by the political establis...
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