Editor, Gazette-Journal:
The Blue Ribbon Campaign was implemented in 1989 by Bonnie Finney as a memorial for her 3-year-old grandson who was murdered by his mother’s boyfriend. She tied a ribbon on her vehicle and urged others to do the same. It has since become a symbol for child abuse prevention in the state of Virginia for the month of April.
Thousands of Virginia children suffer abuse or neglect each year. In FY 2013, there were 51,346 children reported as possible victims of abuse and/or neglect. The Virginia Department of Social Services found that 6,205 children were maltreated, and of those, 29 children died as a result of abuse/neglect. The Mathews Department of Social Services received 100 Child Protective Services referrals in 2013. Forty-six of these concerns warranted intervention.
The statistics can be overwhelming, but they are reminders that no one can afford to look the other way. Everyone can find a way to make a difference so that children reach their potential...
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