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Letter: An amazing act of kindness

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I had the most amazing thing happen to me today, must share.
I decided to go back to Jersey Mike’s Sub for a sub, so parked and got out. Just a few yards in front of me were two beautifully dressed Gloucester police officers.
Very nice looking, hair cut, shaved, the whole nine yards. They were in line when I fell in behind them and I said quietly, “thank you for your service.”
I try to do that with vets I see and the occasional policeman. They both thanked me and we moved on.
Since they were in front their subs made first, mine next and that’s how we approached the cash register. Place packed so all moving right along.
I saw the young man behind the counter move my sub around (packaged of course) and when I got in front of him he told me the policemen had paid for my lunch.
By this time they were going out the door, I looked their way but they were walking away and never looked my way. I was so touched, God bless them and keep them safe for what they are living...

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