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Letter: A study in contrasts

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Hodges v. Crowley: What a contrast!
A conservative man versus a progressive woman. A business man versus a social science academic. The lady educated in the theories of social justice, the gentleman in medical science. Hodges, an advocate for free enterprise, free markets and less government. Crowley, for more government at every level, from health care, to home ownership, wages, jobs, and the list goes on. Hodges is a constitutionalist who strongly supports the Second Amendment, while Crowley never mentions it. Crowley lacks related experience while Hodges’ accomplishments are many and a matter of public record.
Ms. Crowley is supported by the Circle Up movement, which is a spinoff group from the national resist movement. Ms. Crowley is running as much against the President as Del. Hodges because that is what the resist movement is about.
In other times, she would simply run as a Democrat. Hodges is a Republican, who is running on his record and with no ...

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