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Letter: A masterpiece of hope

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
What an absolutely beautiful story about Alicia Marsh (“A heart for helping people: Gloucester’s first COVID-19 fatality remembered,” page 1A, April 23 issue).
In what seems like tragedy and although it has certainly given pain to her family and friends, this woman has expressed great joy in what most of us would call “impending doom” in going home. A preacher once asked to see the hands of everyone who wants to go to heaven. Hands went up unanimously. He then said “Raise your hand if you want to go today.” Nobody raised a hand.
Their faith was quite different than that of Alicia Marsh. As for those who don’t know where they are going when life is over, I hope her words sink deep in your heart and give you hope.
God’s door is open to all. Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, the Life,” John 14:6. We all know Jesus doesn’t lie. On our deathbed, may we all be like a sailor coming into their home port after a long voyage away from home, friends and family, antici...

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