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Letter: A fine local newspaper

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
On behalf of the Mathews County Sesquicentennial Committee for the American Civil War, we would like to thank the Gloucester-Mathews Gazette-Journal for all the extraordinary press coverage that was given to our commemorative events that we planned and presented during the recent sesquicentennial observance.
Every time the Gazette-Journal was contacted or asked to print information about our activities or programs, they always complied. Not only did they advertise our presentations, many times they sent reporters to cover the events.
We would particularly like to thank Charlie Koenig and Sherry Hamilton for their coverage of our activities and support of our efforts. They went above and beyond the call of duty.
National Newspaper Week was Oct. 4-10, and our local newspaper deserves all the credit and kudos for being a truly community-minded media. We are indeed fortunate in Mathews and Gloucester to have such a fine local newspaper.
Thank you, Gazette-Journal!

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