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Letter: A costly and unnecessary proposal

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

I read with wonder the article in last week’s Gazette-Journal titled "MPPDC looking to initiate economic partnerships with area colleges" which was a follow-up to an earlier announcement in which Lewis Lawrence, head of the regional planning agency, stated: "The Middle Peninsula suffers from inadequate availability and direct formalized contact with Virginia universities which possess critical knowledge, research, innovation and capacity."

Anyone attending the hearings, other than Mr. Lawrence apparently, would not have heard a clamoring for his proposal, but for more freedom from the frustrating and costly demands made by planners and other regulating bodies that are roadblocks to business and economic development. I trust the Mathews County supervisors will not be so foolish as to spend $40,000 of taxpayers’ money just looking into establishing a partnership that already exists! Any individual or business looking for information has access t...

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