Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I have been reading of job losses during the past six weeks of 30 million. Several sources estimate the losses at 50 million. If this lockdown continues, the coronavirus cure will have created more casualties than the pandemic.
Currently, the Central Banks are creating trillions in currency out of thin air. While there is no ready solution for the dilemma of excessive debt coupled with extraordinary currency creation, the outcome is starkly clear. No longer will we experience inflation in the prices of goods and services that we have come to expect. The usual rate of inflation is about to revert to hyperinflation.
The Federal Reserve is printing at least $4 trillion to keep the credit and markets flowing and buying stocks as well as making direct loans to businesses with money that the government does not have. Yes, the stock market is holding up, but this is simply a reaction to the influx of vast quantities of printed dollars flowing into the markets.
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