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Letter: A big thank you

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

I want to say a big thank you to everyone for helping to make our seventh annual Clean Gloucester Day an overwhelming success! Your dedication to our county is evident in the cleaner roadways, schools and parks. Thanks for your time and efforts. Residents and visitors to Gloucester will now be able to enjoy the natural beauty that our area has to offer.

The Clean Community Committee of Gloucester County sponsors this annual event as part of a comprehensive and coordinated cleanup effort. In 2016, the hard work of 589 volunteers produced 658 bags (9.87 tons) of trash. This year, a goal was set to get 650 volunteers. Thanks to the assistance of the community and its various organizations, that goal was surpassed. Our 2017 totals include 702 volunteers who picked up 918 bags and other larger items for a total of 19.87 tons of trash. What a remarkable accomplishment! .

On behalf of Clean Community, thank you again for your support of this countywide beautificati...

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