Editor, Gazette-Journal:
The Fairfield Foundation Board of Directors would like to thank the community for their support and sponsorships that led to our most successful fundraising event.
Our gracious hosts, Joseph and Carter Reid, opened their beautiful 19th-century home at Riverlawn to more than 100 attendees who enjoyed wonderful food prepared by Shelly Williams and were entertained with live bluegrass music.
This event also allowed us to share with guests some highlights of our recent archaeological outreach projects, including virtual reality tours of some of the sites. Attendees also enjoyed a silent auction which offered crafts and services from many local businesses. The event generated tremendous excitement amongst our guests and raised more than $15,000 to support the Fairfield Foundation’s educational programs, public outreach, and archaeology and preservation projects across the Middle Peninsula.
The event would not have been possible without the dedicated efforts of...
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