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Indoor pickleball

Local pickleball players now have access to three indoor courts during most weekdays from 4-6 p.m. Gloucester resident Carlos Morales has coordinated with Newington Baptist Church for this new option that will allow for play to continue in cold and inclement weather. Indoor play began Monday afternoon, and all three courts were full as 16 players gathered in the church gym and took turns playing. Pickleball is a fast-paced game enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. Among those taking part on Monday were, top photo, front row from left, Randy Drake, Anna Drake, Bella Morales, Carlos Morales; back row, Keith Scudder, Julie Childress, Gail Shutt, Billy Moore, Jill Smith and Andy Smith. In bottom photo are, from left, Dianne Stringer, Judy Doyel, Keri Sue Baker, Fran Hudson and Sandy Smith. If anyone would like more information on playing times and dates, they should contact Morales by email at or by phone at 804-855-7120.


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