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Holiday weekend fishing a hit

Memorial Day weekend was a hit when it came to fishing, according to Tina Minor, general manager of Morningstar Marina, Gwynn’s Island.

"The weather was perfect; boats were out in full force," Minor said. "We had several people cleaning fish at our fish cleaning station. We saw croaker, rockfish and speckled trout."

She said the flounders ranged in size from 24-28-inches long in the Cell and at Buoy 42.

Minor said Danny Walden weighed in a 5 lbs., 7 oz. speckled trout he caught in the Mobjack Bay last Thursday. Tony Hudgins also weighed in a speckled trout again this week and Roger Brown caught and released a speckled trout that was 24-inches long.

Minor added that Morningstar is having a contest all summer and encourages anglers to send in pictures of the smallest and biggest fish caught. "We will put you on our ‘Hall of Fame’ or ‘Hall of Shame’ wall and enter you for free stuff each month," Minor said. Photos can b...

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