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Heavy rain washes out the county

115 YEARS AGOThursday, June 10, 1909from the Mathews Journal
Last Friday may be set down as the heaviest rainfall of the season, a complete washout in this part of the county.
Some sort of show was going on near Owens store at Susan on Thursday night but after the Friday rain storm they struck tents and departed.Many anxious friends will be glad to learn that Mr. Larry Jagger, who has been suffering severely for some weeks with appendicitis, and carried to the marine department of the St. Vincent’s Hospital, Norfolk, where an operation was performed, is now doing much better, and it is hoped that he will soon be out.
110 YEARS AGOThursday, June 11, 1914from the Mathews Journal
Mrs. Emma Hudgins of New Point entertained quite a number of friends on Tuesday night last, those present being Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hudgins, Misses Lottie Hutson, Susie Fitchett, Ethel Guider, Ruby and Hattie Jarvis, Maud West, Pansy Ripley, Amy and Kate Hudgins, Messrs. Hay and John Hudgins, Glen Armistead, Lut...

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