The Mathews County Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors will hold two joint public hearings at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the historic courthouse on Court Street. The public hearings concern two properties owned by the same individual, Jermaine Ware of Cobbs Creek.
Ware has requested that parcel 4 (A) 29 be rezoned from rural to business in order to allow the expansion of a current auto towing permit that he was granted in 2011 after receiving a conditional use permit for an owner-operator business in the rural zoning district. The conditional use permit currently in effect requires that a privacy fence shield the work being performed on an unenclosed lift, the removal of vehicles too large for the enclosed garage within 72 hours, a limit of six vehicles on site at one time, screening of outside storage, and limits on signage.
Mathews County Planning and Zoning Director Thomas Jenkins said that the rezoning would remove all such requirements from the business. The parcel is located near...
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