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Hanging baskets again adorn Main Street

Colorful hanging baskets now adorn the signposts along Mathews Main Street and around the Court Green, thanks to the efforts of local residents. 
“It is said that ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder,’” said Mathews Main Street Committee Chair Bette Dillehay, “but few who cast their eyes on Main Street will fail to enjoy the attractiveness of the landscaping as the trees and plants respond to warm spring weather. The setting has been further enhanced … by the baskets.”
The annual spring ritual of placing hanging baskets was begun some years ago by Dwight Ambach, who was prompted by his love of community to donate the funds needed to place baskets around the Court Green, said Dillehay. Ambach was joined the following year by Jim and Amanda Taylor, whose generosity allowed the program to expand to include Main Street.
This season, Ambach’s widow, Betsy, and the Taylors have again donated funds to be used to create and maintain the ba...

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