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GURA program focuses on ‘Making The Dream Come True’

The Gloucester Union Relief Association presented “A Day of Celebration: on Monday at The First United Baptist Church, Gloucester. Members of the community gathered to honor the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., under the theme “Making ‘The Dream’ Come True.”

The statement of purpose was given by the Rev. Larry Arrington. He began with the story of Moses.

“Moses led the Hebrew children through the Red Sea, where they arrived at the desert and there was no water. Moses then dropped a piece of wood in the water and it turned to sweet water,” said Arrington. “Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. helped the people of color go from no rights, no human rights, to civil rights and equal rights.”

The celebration speaker featured prominent cardiologist Dr. Keith H. Newby Sr. of Norfolk, introduced by David Washington, a member of the upcoming Gloucester High School Class of 2029. Newby’s speech was about overcoming adversity.

Newby said that Dr. King was a man who dedicated his life to ...

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