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GUEST gears up for winter season

The Gloucester United Emergency Shelter Team, or GUEST, is gearing up for the winter season. GUEST was forced to close its shelters in April due to the pandemic. The program quickly adapted to the situation by using motel vouchers to find places to stay for those in need.
GUEST executive director Kristie Askew said that over the last several months, the program has housed about 90 people using the motel vouchers, many of whom GUEST eventually helped find permanent residences. She said that GUEST expects to be able to use the voucher program through April of 2021.
The vouchers have been funded through donations and grants. One of the larger grants GUEST has utilized is COVID Homeless Emergency Response Program, or CHERP grant. The CHERP grant is a reimbursement grant that is specialized in helping nonprofits that assist homeless communities.
The grant pays for the vouchers, but Askew said there are drawbacks to the grant funding. CHERP is a reimbursement program, meaning that to obtain ...

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